Begin With YOUR Dream

I am so excited you are here. I am Michelle “Home Coach” Hoff, a life and home coach and I have been dreaming of the day we could come together share our dreams. My dream has been to help as many people as I can build self-compassion, manage excess and love their homes. My book “Compassionate Decluttering, How to Soulfully Surrender Your Stuff” is done! It’s taken me over a dozen years to realize my dream so I know a lot about resilience.

When you dream about your loved home what images come to mind? Go ahead. Forget what you see in front of you. Close your eyes. Deep breath in full of hope and possibility. Deep breath out releasing failure and frustration. Another breath in of hope and possibility. Release. Grab a piece of paper. List everything you dream for your loved and functional home.

YOUR dream, your vision is a call to action. The chemistry of your mind, body and soul is altered when you say, “I want this!” The universe in all it’s grandeur, in all its power takes your call to action and conspires to make your dream come true.

You will have to do the work too. I had to sit my butt down A LOT to write the thousands of words to make my book happen. I had to find and asked a lot of people to help along the way too. I too also dreamed of a home that was peaceful, bright, cheerful, looked out at nature, was updated with touches of casual elegance. Every single day I make choices to make that dream a reality.

You too will have to do work, make decisions and ask for help to get you closer to your dream home, your vision. Meet the universe half way. Show the universe that you can and will donate three things today. Demonstrate your commitment to this powerful partnership. I have a vision meditation on my resources page (here is the link______________________). Let’s begin this dream for a loved and functional home together. Send me a note in my contact page (Link here) and share your vision with me!


Compassion and Kindness